All you need to know
Archangel Michael's energy connects you with happiness, the one you feel when you're feeling good with yourself. It allows you to open the channels of communication so that you can express what your heart says, helping you discover your truth and value yourself. It brings balance so that you give each experience it's worth. Create awareness of the importance of your thoughts and words by understanding how they can harm or help you grow. Opens your heart so that you can feel what other people receive from your words and actions, leading you to be more assertive. It communicates with your purest essence, your wisest part.
You can share it with people with palliative care as it will help them live the process with serenity, helping them release the fear of death.
Heart, throat, behind the ears, neck, feet.
It is important that you use your intuition and trust it. If you feel the desire to apply it the synergy elsewhere.
Archangel Gabriel's energy works with unconditional love, tenderness, compassion, non-judgment, generosity, surrender and trust. It helps family communication flow, especially with the parents, strengthening the bond. Brings awareness of your memories to help you release those that have generated some kind of blockage or make you cling to the past. Connects with maternal love, therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women to connect with their baby. Works with the family, natural or chosen, since it provides well-being, security and support. Whoever feels loved has the wisdom to love. Facilitates communication with light beings.
Heart and jaw.
When applying the synergy to a child, we recommended that their parents also apply it.
It is important that you use your intuition and trust it. If you feel the desire to apply it the synergy elsewhere.
The energy of Archangel Raphael makes you aware that life is a process of freedom in which you decide how you want to live and your intuition shows you the way. In your life you have lived experiences that are unresolved, generating blockages in your body that can lead to disease. This synergy helps you hold and release the emotions caused by those blockages. It allows you to understand that everything you experience is part of your learning and evolution.
It focuses you on the present and connects you with the here and now, learning to give each thing its own time and worth. It teaches you to live within yourself and in your own nature, maturing what is not mature.
If you are centered, you recognize yourself, you activate yourself, you love yourself and you accept yourself.
It helps to see the disease as a process and provides the wisdom to live it from the conscience.
Crown chakra, third eye, heart. You can apply it directly where you know you have a blockage.
It is important that you use your intuition and trust it. If you feel the desire to apply it the synergy elsewhere.
The energy of Archangel Uriel is love. Love is the most powerful and subtle force that a human being can have. It is the best existing tool because it helps you to consciously live your freedom. Works with the energy of mother earth and the elements. It connects you with love and creativity. It helps you ground the needed energy to undertake, create projects or do rituals, invocations or spiritual work. The greatest gift of this synergy is to open yourself to the ability to materialize. You are the creator of your own life and materializer of your own reality.
Cervical, spine, heart.
It is important that you use your intuition and trust it. If you feel the desire to apply it the synergy elsewhere.
The energy of Archangel Jophiel is joy, abundance and balance.
It connects you with your higher self and with your learning experience, since this experience is what allows you to know how to approach what is really important. It helps you observe things from a distance and opens the channels of understanding. It works like a mirror, to see yourself.
It works from the most immediate experience to the wisdom obtained from other lives. Activates the energy of expansion, playfulness, freedom and enjoyment. At a deeper level, wisdom and common sense, beauty and harmony. It opens you to new possibilities.
Spine, pelvis, heart.
This synergy can also be used in a burner or air freshener.
It is important that you use your intuition and trust it. If you feel the desire to apply it the synergy elsewhere.
Archangel Zadkiel's energy is transmutation and transformation, knowledge and justice. Helps transmute the negative into positive and the dense into light. Works with karma and dharma. It contains the wisdom of universal consciousness. This synergy helps you connect with the depths of your heart, allows you to listen to your soul and opens your mind. It leads you to action, dynamism and to problem solving.
Hands, ankles, heart.
It is important that you use your intuition and trust it. If you feel the desire to apply it the synergy elsewhere.
Archangel Chamuel's energy is innocence, loving without asking for anything in return, helping without expecting to receive, giving yourself and others. It is the enjoyment, the subtle, the clarity, the simplicity, the joy, the altruism and peace. It helps you to love yourself and connects you with your essence. It centers you, it leads you to be one with your own energy, your light, your soul and your body. It connects you with heaven and earth. It helps you to look at your life from a global perspective. It empowers you from the simplest things. It connects you and allows you to love the simple and the everyday situations.
Heart. One drop applied in clockwise circles.
It is important that you use your intuition and trust it. If you feel the desire to apply it the synergy elsewhere.
Breaks the feeling of duality, limiting and infant-like thoughts. Shows you everything that is beyond life in all it's dimensions, where everything is relative. It brings awareness that the light and shadow of a thing are the same. It allows you to be in balance.
Who can use it:
Any person who is chosen by the bottle. It can always be used with animals.
There is no contraindication but if you use the synergy and you are not open, you will not feel any effect.
How to use it:
Apply to the crown, heart and third eye chakras.
Extrasensory perception, elevated magic, connection with the breath of life, connection with other worlds, sharpens the senses, works with the vibration of the pituitary gland.
Who can use it:
People who have had an accident and/or are about to die.
People with mental health disorders or on the autism spectrum. During an epileptic seizure or psychotic break as long as it is not caused by drugs.
When can it be used:
In rituals and ceremonies where the objective is to connect with other worlds. During active meditations.
On the deathbed, in hospitals and with the elderly. It must be used indoors or with contained energy.
It should not be used in shamanic rituals as it does not work with the elements of nature and can cause confusion.
Do not use if you consume any type of drug as it can create anxiety and disorientation.
It should not be used in open spaces because it can increase the sensitivity of the senses.
How to use it:
A single drop is placed on the crown chakra only during the ritual or work. In case of mental disorders, a drop can be applied once a day as it helps to focus, ground and wake up.